Tips For Throwing A Fancy Dress Party
One way to add an extra element to your fancy dress party is to give it a theme. There's the old standard of "vicars and tarts," but why not come up with something new and original? You could give your costume party a political theme, or turn your apartment into a zoo and make everyone come as their favorite animal!
Not only will a theme give your attendees a focus for their outfits, but it will also give your decorations a purpose. Your Hawaiian fancy dress party could be complimented by Tiki torches, Don Ho records and pineapple cocktails. You could dress up your school uniform party with chalkboards, rulers, and apple hors d'oeuvres.
Movie Character Ideas For a Fancy Dress
Don't think of a theme as a limitation, but rather as a focus for your party. If you prefer to give your guests more freedom with their costume choices, try to inspire clever costume ideas by offering up a small prize for the best fancy dress outfit. You could also steal a neat wedding idea and leave a few disposable cameras lying around so that guests can take candid shots. You can mail out prints after the party or post them online.
Whatever theme or non-theme you choose, don't forget the essential party hosting basics; send invitations early, follow up with errant RSVP'ers, get lots of food, invite the neighbors, break out the cocktails, prepare your music ahead of time, and make sure you get to enjoy yourself too!
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